Who's Who in Gerontology
People Companies World map of peopleThe WhosAge database contains people and biotech companies that are contributing to increase our understanding of the biology of aging and life-extension. A world map of people by geographical location is also provided.
Keywords: ageing, anti-aging, biogerontology, biogerontologists, biotech industry, gerontologists, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, science, scientists
Notes and Disclaimers
Inclusion in WhosAge is based on my perception of the relevance of an individual's or company's work to the understanding of aging and/or the development of life-extension technologies. A brief overview of the work of each individual and company in the context of aging research is provided. Country location of each person is included and refers to the country he/she is working in. WhosAge is a non-exhaustive list of people and companies working in the field of aging; no doubt there will be many errors and omissions. Inclusion in WhosAge does not in any way represent an endorsement of the work conducted by a given individual or company. Feedback is always appreciated and please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions.
I do not include in WhosAge information (e.g., e-mail addresses) from my personal communications, in line with the privacy statement of senescence.info. All information provided herein was derived from publicly available sources such as websites, Wikipedia and PubMed. Even so, if you wish to have your e-mail or any information removed, please contact me.
Use this resource at your own risk. Usage of the WhosAge database assumes you have read and agreed with the terms and conditions of senescence.info. Although I am committed to open access, the WhosAge database is not available for download to minimize its use by spammers.
Companies image supplied by FreeFoto.com. People image obtained from the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology 10th Congress.